Jumaat, 31 Oktober 2008
Perlawanan Badminton Kebajikan untuk Isteri Datuk Misbun Sidek: Sinar Harapan untuk Sinar Latifah"

Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 6:16 PTG 0 Komen Anda
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Peraduan Mencipta Logo Famemas
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 6:05 PTG 0 Komen Anda
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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008
FAMEMAS: IOC and OCM Highlights October 26 2008
Coming Events
News Items
Happy Deepavali
OCM Festive Season Open House
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 8:49 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights
FAMEMAS: [Samsung] Skill Your Way to Stamford Bridge (Nov 2, Sports Planet, Subang)
Come Nov 2 (this Sunday), Samsung will be selecting one Malaysian aged 18 - 21, who believes he is the next "rising star" in football, to be sent on a 4D/3N trip to UK for a once-in-a-lifetime coaching session with Chelsea FC
Samsung will hold the audition in Sports Planet, Subang Grand (same road as Sunway Medical Centre, toward the Subang end) for one day only. Registration starts at 9.00am. The first 50 participants to register will receive an exclusive Chelsea merchandise. Please bring along NRIC as proof of age
Celebrity football pundit & commentator, Mr Shebby Singh, has kindly agreed to be the judge. Please spread this good news to all
On behalf of Famemas
Thanks and Kind Regards,
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 8:44 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Isnin, 27 Oktober 2008
Kekalahan Pasukan Bola sepak Malaysia di Pestabola Merdeka
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 7:26 PTG 2 Komen Anda
Labels: Berita Sukan
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
Mr. Lee Hui Seng Celoteh
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 11:40 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Che Din Celoteh
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 11:37 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Mr. Dorairaj Celoteh

Hai Kaptan! Thank you for your kind wishes. Sometimes when when we kid and joke at each other it means that we are close. After reading your mail I felt deeply how much you want all of us to be together again. I know it means alot to you.It would have been much more merrier. Perhaps many had things of their own to do or got other commitments.
Lets hope our Bowling Event will turn out to be better.If at all we find out again many do not turn up for the bowling event......we shall go house to house and make IFA arrest (Internal Famemas Act )
Do not feel down Kaptain........Look at the bright side (although I am dark) I was there with many others who made the gathering lively.
With Regards.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 11:31 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Celoteh Kepten Shafari
Famemas Hari Raya gathering was over.... but till today I am feeling down...really down with it. It was not so much that she did not turn up...but what about others? Only 19 of us were there when there are many many Famemasians are in the Klang valley area.
Are Famemas members no more interested in this form of gatherings? Yeah.. we can call one another, or chat or sms or to meet up in smaller groups. But that was a Hari Raya get-to- together!! J Lo, Philo, Vanitha, Hoon and Lilian, Rainee, Ivy, Kak Salbiah, Razlin, capt Zaki, Khairul, Jamal, Maria, Oormilla and others....where were you all??
Oh... was it that most of you just dont like my presence? That was the reason why many of u did not turn up? Ok ...tell me then. If it is for the sake of Famemas...I m ever willing to sacrifice. I've got my panching kakis, business friends and former army and schools mates to hang around with... but to be honest, I just like to be part of you all, Famemas. We are from all walks of life with Malaysian sports in our hearts and we spent many days together...shouting our lungs out...cheer leading the other spectators, eating together, shopping together and we did many other things together... like painting someone else face when he/she lost in the card game? Eating fried grasshoppers and caterpillars together? Laughing, hissing and booing together when someone was trying hard to sing at the front of the bus?? Well...these incidents and many more that made me to miss you all.
So frens.... think and try to recall the past.. the times when we were together...arent they beautiful? Arent they made up your days...... I enjoyed each and every trip that I went with Famemas especially the Vietnam trip...(u know why) hehehe
And that words from Tok Moh, "kalau nak pergi overseas, sanggup ambil cuti seminggu, tapi untuk perjumpaan... malang sekali ye" is still ringging in my years... but there is some truth in it.
Oh yes... I did put on my baju melayu but it did not matter at all... it was meaningless. Actually I cut short of my Pahang trip...I rushed up my work committments..cos I want to be part of you all... but that too...had got no much returns. I should have gone to Kenyir or Taman Negara to fish or lazing around on the sandy beach at Cherating or meet up with my nephews and nieces in Bera. Yeah... it is not that I am regretting over it but it is just that I am feeling down....sungguh luruh hati saya.
Luckily there were Zul, Hafidz and family, Lee and family, Raimah Ali and hubby, Aneh Dorai and his boyfriend, Yusnita (in kebaya moden...I presume), Zulhabri, Keh, Nic, David, Jason, and... siapa lagi huh? Did I miss someone?
Before I forget;
HAPPY DEEPAVALI to all our Indian members. Hopefully our Mr Dorai will open his doors to all of us during this festival. Whoever want to taste murukhu maggi mee.... pergi lah ke rumah Aneh Dorai di USJ... opposite Taipan. Datang lah di waktu siang... kalau malam, berhati hati!
Ok gtg.
Till next time.... happy weekend, Happy Deepavali and just take care of your love ones and also yourselves. Enjoy life......
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 11:19 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008
Fhoto Famemas: Raya Gathering 2008
Cik Yusnita penolong Setiausaha Famemas
Kepten Shafari yang paling bergaya
Zulhabri dengan baju melayunya
Keh Pin Tat, Nicholas dan Dorairaj
Handsome Kepten Shafari hari ini

Mr. Dorairaj

Jason Thiang
Senyuman dari Cik Yusnita
Hari Sabtu yang lalu, warga Famemas telah mengada majlis ramah mesra sempena hari raya Aidilfitri di Restoran Sri Nelayan, Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur.
Menurut Cik Yusnita, seramai 30 ahli Famemas telah bersetuju menghadiri majlis tersebut tetapi hanya 20 orang ahli famemas sahaja yang datang. Ini mungkin disebab ada yang tidak tahu lokasi dan kesesakkan lalulintas akibat hujan lebat sepanjang petang tersebut.
Walaubagaimanapun majlis tersebut berjalan dengan lancar dan sungguh meriah dan makanan di Restoran Sri Nelayan yang sungguh enak, cuma Kepten Shafari sahaja yang kelihatan muram kerana menanti ratu kebaya yang tidak jadi datang... hehe
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 8:24 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Aktiviti
OCM Weekly Highlights 19thOctober2008
Coming Events
3rd Commonwealth Youth Games – 12th to 18th October 2008, Pune, India.
1st Asian Beach Games – 18th to 26th October 2008, Bali, Indonesia.
27th OCA Annual General Assembly 2008 – 21st October 2008 at Bali.
150th OCM Council Meeting –1st November2008 at Conference Room, Ground Floor, Wisma OCM, Kuala Lumpur, at 10.00am to befollowed by OCM’s Festive Open House from 12.00 noon to 2.30pm at the CoffeeHouse of Olympic Hotel.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 8:06 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights
Jumaat, 17 Oktober 2008
Famemas Sports News Info Service 171008
locally and abroad (Data Updated Wednesday 17 October 2008)
*This is purely an information service, in chronological order,provided exclusively for sports fans and members of Famemas Club Kuala Lumpurand Selangor. Information is correct at the time of updating. Famemas Club KLand Selangor is not responsible should any of the events is cancelled, altered or postponed.
* New Famemas Blog
Please visit our new Famemas Blog at http://www.famemas.blogspot.com/
* Merdeka Soccer Tournament, KL
Stadium MBPJ and Stadium Shah Alam
Wednesday 15 October 2008 - Saturday 25 October 2008
RM10 (Prelims)
RM20 (Knockout)
Matches start at 6.30pm and 8.45pm each day
* Squash World Open, Manchester
17-19 October 2008
Involves Nicol David
* Famemas Club Hari Raya Buffet Gathering
1pm -4pm
Saturday,18 October 2008
Restoran Nelayan,Taman Tasik Titiwangsa,Off Jalan Tun Razak,KL
Contact Yusnita 019 3309782 for more details
RM18 for adults and RM9 for kids
* Mizuno Wave 10K Run,Padang Merbok, KL
Sunday,19 October 2008 at 7.30am
Organised by Pacesetters Athletic Club Malaysia
Call 03-79815895
Or World of Sports 03-9101 0212
RM35 (Non members)/RM25 (Members)
Go to http://www.pacesetters.com.my/
* Global Peace Festival Main Celebration
Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium
Sunday,19 October 2008
3pm – 6.30pm
Malaysia as capital of peace and one of 14 hosts
Performances by Ning Baizura, Elle, Jacklyn Victor, Daniel Lee
Food Carnival
Organised by United Peace Federation Malaysia
Theme ‘One family One World’
* Penang City Run
Sunday,19 October 2008 at 7.30am
To celebrate Georgetown’s World Heritage status
Lucky Draw – Honda Motorcycle as top prize
Call 04-2612312
Entries close 3 October 2008 at 3.30pm
* Danish Badminton Open
Saturday 25-Sunday 26 October 2008 (Semifinals and Finals)
Live on Astro Sports at 6pm onwards
* Astro Arena Channel startsStarts
1 November 2008
Local TV Channel totally dedicated to sports.
Call OCM 03- 2715 2802/2715 2803 for more information
* HSBC-Cobra 10 a side Rugby
Stadium MBPJ,Kelana Jaya
1 November 2008 – 2 November 2008
New Zealand Canterbury as Defending Champs
RM10 (East Wing)
RM20 (West Wing)
* OCM Hari Raya Open House
Saturday,1 November 2008
Wisma OCM,Jalan Hang Jebat,KL
* French Open Badminton
1 November 2008 (Semifinals) – 2 November 2008 (Finals)
Live on Astro Sports
* 2 November 2008 Genting Awana Trailblazer Run
Sunday,2 November 2008 at 6.30am
Venue: Awana Genting Golf Club
Go to www.genting.com.my/trailblazer or http://www.gentingtrailblazer.com/
Run in Green forestGo Green kempen
* 12th World Sports for All Congress 2008
Monday 3 November 2008 – 6 Thursday 2008
Venue: Genting Highlands
Contact: OCM 03- 2715 2802/2715 2803 for more information
Theme: Sport for all for Life
Visit http://www.sportforall2008.olympic.org/
Or email wsfac08@olympic.org.my and nocmas@tm.net.my
Cost: RM800 including accommodation for 3 nights,
conference proceedings, all meals
* IOI Community Run
Venue: Town Park,Bandar Putri Puchong
Date: Sunday,9 November 2008-10-17
Time: 7am
Organiser: MPSJ/IOI Properties Bhd
Distance: 7.3km, 5.5km, 3.2km
Visit www.myioi.comTel 03-89478934/7
Closing date for entries is 31/10/08
Also features Street Basketball Challenge and Street Futsal
Entry forms from all New Balance outlets
* National Badminton Circuit
Venue: Stadium Bandaraya, Johor Bahru
Date: Tuesday 11 November 2008 – Friday,14 November 2008-10-17
* King of Tennis Championships
Venue: Penang Esplanade
Date: Friday 14
November 2008 – Sunday 16 November 2008
Organiser: Lawn Tennis Association Malaysia (LTAM)
Featuring former tennis greats eg. Pete Sampras, Mats Wilander,Bjorn Borg, Ille Nastase, John Mc Enroe
* Penang International Marathon
Date: Sunday 16 November 2008
Time: 5am
Venue of start point: Queensway,Bayan Baru,Penang
Distance: 42 km,25km, 10km
Fee: RM50, RM25, RM15
Tel: 04-2619012/6505136
Tel: 014-6006689
Visit http://www.penang-marathon.gov.my/
* China Open Badminton Super Series
Date: Tuesday 18 November 2008 – Friday 21 November 2008
Live on Astro Sports
* Hong Kong Badminton Super Series
Date: Tuesday 25 November 2008 – Sunday 30 November 2008
Live on Astro Sports
* Singapore International Marathon
Sunday,7 December 2008 at 5am
* ASEAN University Games
Tuesday 11 December 2008 – Sunday 21 December 2008
Visit www.aug2008.com.my
* Asian Women Junior Hockey Championships
Venue: Bukit Jalil Hockey Stadium
Date: Sat 13
December 2008 – Monday 22 December 2008
* Malakoff Johor Bahru 25km Run
Sunday 21 December 2008 at 6am
Venue: Dataran Bandaraya, Johor Bahru
* Great Eastern Pacesetters 30 km
Sunday,18 January 2009 at 6am
Venue: Taman Tasik Perdana,KL
* Famemas Club KL and Selangor Chinese New Year Gathering and Annual General Meeting
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 7:50 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Khamis, 16 Oktober 2008
Warkah dari Kepten Shafari Sekembalinya dari Vietnam 2003

Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 12:58 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008
Bola Sepak Pesta Bola Merdeka 2008
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 2:46 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 10:53 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Ahad, 12 Oktober 2008

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,
Famemas akan menganjurkan Majlis Ramah Aidilfitri seperti berikut:
Sabtu 18 Oktober 2008
Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa,
Tasik Titiwangsa, KL (Jln Temerloh, Off Jln Tun Razak) Peta dilampirkan
12.30pm – 3.30 pm
Dewasa: RM18 nett Kanak-kanak (4-12 tahun): RM9 nett
Mari sama-sama kita raikan Aidilfitri disamping beramah mesra sesama kita setelah sekian lama tidak berjumpa
Untuk maklumat dan menempah tempat anda, harap hubungi Yus 019-3309782
Semua dijemput hadir
Salam Aidilfitri untuk semua!
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 7:13 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Ucapan Raya dari Kepten Shafari
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin to all muslims. Happy weekend to all.
Fairuz Fauzy did a splendid job where Alex Yoong failed by coming tops in the Dutch A1 GP. But being Malaysians we must be very cautious...this could be like any other sports where Malaysians are involved...when the expectations and demands are high, then it fails...this is another Malaysia Boleh. We can only hope and pray that this is not a "false start" thing.
On F1, there is still a chance for my fren Kubica to be World Champion. Come on Kubica!! Gua caya sama lu! And my other fren is now world no 3.... Vijay Singh in golf. The other friend of mine... Dorai, he is world no 2 in preparing maggie mee. FYI, he bought tons of maggie mee every month. Cant blame him...being a single father..thats the best food he could cook. hehehe So you all can imagine what are the "kueh" for Deepavali...murukuh made from deep fried maggie mee!! Is it still too early to wish our Aneh Dorai, "Happy Deepavali?"
And the great news... Malaysia beat Pakistan 4-1! Ole Ole Ole Ole...but F*&%$#@! It is in Pesta Bola Merdeka...soccer. If it would have been in hockey, I would have belanja you guys. Pakistan is ranked 168 in the world. So you all know our standard. This is the result when the royals and politicians get involved in sports. Damn it!!
My daughter, Amira went back to her 2nd home last nite. It is her final year but in Germany's education system...she is doing her practical for 6 months and another semester to spend on training.. OJT type... On The Job Training. Then she'll graduate with a diploms... equivalent to Masters..but it is yet to be recognised as masters in Malaysia.. and the total duration for her to get it is 4 yrs 6 months. A few of her frens have already got their masters from Malaysian Universities! Yeah.. she lost on this point but since she is into engineering, I think she has the upper hand cos Germany is where the technology is especially in automotive. I've advised her to work in Europe for a few years after this to mark up her market value if she were to work here later. Well... it is never easy to send off any of your children to far away country for long spell but for the sake of their future...it is the sacrifice parents have to make. And I've this phobia type...whenever I imagine that my daughter or someone I am close too....is alone in another part of the world, I'll feel pretty sad and it created a lump in my throat. may be it is because of my "torturing" training days that I recalled when I was in Pakistan in way back in 1978-79.
So..to "her"...you can go to any where but pls dont inform me...what I need is some news on your return...that too if you cant sleep due to jet lag...heheheh
Hari Raya get-together on 18 Oct? I am looking forward to this. To all she-Famemasians, pls come in baju kurung, baju kebaya, sari, cheong sam...traditional clothes pls. Then it'll look much much better...a meaningful gathering of all races.... let us show that we are truly Malaysians. The males...Hoon and Lee to come in kung fu clothes?? Zuldean in songket with keris?? And Dorai in birthday suite?? hehehe... jangan marah Anei... it is because I cant recall the "male" version of sari. Is it "kurta"? Sorry Aneh.
So guys... let all of us committ to this gathering...the more the merrier.
Till we meet at the gathering... Happy Weekend. Enjoy yourselves whenever and whereever possible cos life is too short. Make the best of it.
And Razlin...can u put on a kebaya for the occassion? hehehe...
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 7:05 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh
Selasa, 7 Oktober 2008
Famemas: Book 18 Oct Raya Gathering
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 4:58 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
OCM Weekly Highlight - 5 October 2008
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 12:58 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights