Salam to all,
Thank you to all who had wished me on my 35 th birthday. May the Almighty take good care of you all.
Oh!! 35 years old?
Well, just before the match between S'pore and our Harimau last nite, my daughter had prayed for Malaysia to win- as a gift to her Dad. I had asked for the score to be Malaysia 5, Singapore 4 - the actual figures of 54-my actual age. So since the score was 3-5, so I guessed that God had fullfilled my wish .. to be as young as 35... hanya 2 tahun lebih tua dari Si Dia. heheheh...
Anyway guys...we must gather as many as possible on this 28 Jul...let us packed the stadium to the brinks...let us all cheer like we had...in Vietnam, Korat, Laos, Malaysian badminton Opens ... and let us make the Singaporeans shit in their pants...... Let us teach our government and show off to the world that no matter how the *&^%*$#@ and stupid politicians tried to divide us, we Malaysians stood firm that we are 1 Malaysia. Mari, mari kita cheer sama-sama for Malaysia. Malaysia BOLEH!
So... a request, deep from my heart is that all Famesians are to gather as 1 Malaysia on 28 Jul at 7 pm infront of the green gate and let us get into the stadium by hundreds of us in our yellow T shirts and let us drown whatever little voice the Singaporean supporters have, and together let us make the "1 world Singapore players" (a lot of importers, right?) play like novices...or like pondans of Bugis street... A deficit of 2 goals is not a big deal. Malaysia BOLEH!
But then we, as a mere caring citizens are shouting our lungs out.... what are the people who called themselves as the government of Malaysia are doing? Our property in S'pore from Woodlands to Tg Pagar (KTMB's land) is already taken over by S'pore. Before this, our island of Pulau Batu Putih was surrendered to S'pore. And do you all know that many of our commercial buildings are bought over by S'porean companies like Capitaland and such. So guys.. actually we are now being besieged by Singapore. Yeah..they do not attack us physically by tanks or jet planes and soldiers...but economic wise. And there are many more businesses being bought over by the Singaporeans. So what are our so called protracters of our nation are doing? Nah, our middle fingers to them.
As you are well aware for the past 6-8 months, that on every 2 weeks or so, there will be an issue that our papers will harp on. Recently about a decree that smoking is haram. Before this about Bersih 2.0. Before that about Anwar's video. Well... tak habis-habis trying to distract our mind, trying to tipu the rakyaat from discussing and seeing more truth about the weaknesses of the government-the about to resurface case of the scorpene submarines deal, about TBH, about the death of the custom officer, about the failures in the NSEW (all) Corridors, about more Malaysians are swaying towards the opposition, about the success of Penang, Selangor and Kedah in bringing in more investors and hence the vast improvements in the economies of those states.... and many many more. In other words, the issues raised are to hoodwink us and to cover the government's weaknesses. And the government too are taking the advantage on the success of Dato' Rajagobal's players by making a big story of it. Yeah...we are happy that after more than 30 years, our footballers are now showing some glimmers of hope....just like Super Mokh and gang had done. But I do hope this is not a flash in the pan type.... let it be a continous revival and in due time, we are rubbing shoulders with Japan, Korea and Australia.
On billboards (hahaha..I just love watching advertisements) I noticed that Celcom's customers is shrinking. Proton's Inspira advert is dangerous. Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) is very grand but being blocked and U mobiles is very insulting.
This is Celcom territory. Well... about a decade ago, this same adverts sprung up in all corners of Peninsula Malaysia. But now..one could only see a few. So in ordinary man's perception is-Celcom is shrinking and the CEO and his gang are to be fired. On Inspira, one could see the adverts on both sides of KL-KLIA highway (Elite) near to the R & R of both sides; depicting 2 children having a peaceful sleep at the rear seats. I bet any driver were to look at it, he/she will feel sleepy. It is just like seeing one yawning and automatically you will yawn too, right. So it is dangerous. And to revert back of importing about 70% of Inspira parts, the CEO and his gang are to be fired too. The AADK adverts are found on both sides of KESAS highway, just near to the toll booths at Kota Kemuning. Both billboards are blocked and one could hardly notice them. If you were to look clearly, the bottom part is made from concrete and beautifully done but what's the purpose when only a few could see it. So what is the motive of AADK- the advert is like a behaviour of drug addicts too-menyorok menyorok. hehehe Another AADK billboard is on NS Plus hiway after Seremban; it is also blocked by oil palms.
And on U mobiles, a picture of an old lady with the caption "U nak?" It is near the Damansara toll booth, but one could only see while coming from NVKE before the booth. To me it is insulting. Pity the old lady.
Yeah...now on Famemas. I believe the club is getting stronger and better on each and every passing events..... it is more organised, the EXCOs are dedicated, being quite open, with lots of tolerence, hardworking and CONGRATULATIONS! You made us very proud of you. Keep up with the good and sincere work. Unfortunately... there are members who were used to be together, quite influential to the club and somehow had done and made the club as it is today... please comeback. No names are to be mentioned, but deep down inside them, they know whom I meant. Please come and join us on this 28 July 2011. Let us make this gathering a real happenning for Famemas.What you have to do, is just to reply to this Celoteh and I hope the EXCOs are to pick it from here. Just put it, "I'll come" and I bet you'll committ to your words by paying RM30 for the ticket and for those who has not get the yellow Famemas T shirt, just pay another RM25. Be at the Green gate at 7 pm on 28 Jul 2011. Please come and not only to support Malaysia vs Singapore but to our beloved club-FAMEMAS!
And my condolences to the families of those who were killed in the twin attacks in Norway-the bomb blasts in Oslo and the shootings on the island camp retreat. And also to the family of the late MP Dr Lolo. Al fatihah.
See you guys at 7 pm on 28th July 2011 at the Green gates of Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil.
Thank you.
Capt - masih teringatkan Si Dia.