Rabu, 29 April 2009
Manchester United Turunkan Pasukan Utama Bertemu Malaysia
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 2:03 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Berita Sukan
Khamis, 23 April 2009
OCM Weekly Highlights - 19th April 2009
News Items
The Executive Board & Council of the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) and its affiliates express their deepest condolences to the family of the late Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Maidin.
The late Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Maidin represented Malaya in Long Jump at the 1960 Rome Olympic Games, together with Y.Bhg. Datuk Dr. M. Jegathesan and Y.Bhg. Datuk Shahruddin Ali.
He was the National Long Jump and Triple Jump Champion and record holder for many years. At the Southeast Asia Peninsular (SEAP) Games he was the gold medalist and record holder in the Long Jump event from 1959 to 1967 and the gold medal in the Triple Jump event in 1965 and the silver medal in 1967. He represented Malaysia in the 1962 and 1966 Asian Games held in Jakarta and Bangkok respectively.
After he retired from competition, the late Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Maidin became an athletics coach and official and was instrumental in coaching a couple of his six sons to be national athletes. He and his wife, Puan Hajah Rajemah Hj. Sheikh Ahmad, who is also a former national athlete, having participated in the Asian Games and a medalist in the SEAP Games, have been very active in developing athletics in the late Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Maidin’s home state of Terengganu. Their hard work has made Terengganu State to be one of the strongest state in Malaysia in athletics.
The demise of the late Tuan Haji Kamaruddin Maidin is a great loss to Malaysian sport, especially to athletics.
28th OCA General Assembly 2009
The 28th OCA General Assembly scheduled on 26th April 2009, and the 1st Asian Martial Arts Games, scheduled from 25th April to 3rd May 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand, has been postponed to 7th June and from 6th to 14th June 2009 respectively, at the same venue.
152nd OCM Council Meeting –
The 152nd OCM Council meeting was held on 18th April 2009. The following matters were discussed and confirmed:
1. The setting up of the OCM Sports Development Trust Fund with minor amendments to the Trust Deed. The launch of the Trust Fund will be in early May 2009.
2. The 28th OCM Annual General Assembly (AGA) will be held on 30th May 2009 at 10.00 a.m. at Level 3, OCM Indoor Sports Arena. The 28th AGA and elections of Office Bearers will be conducted in accordance with the OCM Constitution approved at the 27th AGA held on 26th June 2008.
3. Cik Hajah Norminshah Sabirin, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Abdul Malek bin Mohd Salleh and Encik Stanley Charles Louise were confirmed to be members of the Elections Panel to conduct the elections.
4. The principles to have a two tier registration system for sports bodies and the settlement of dispute through ADR were approved and will be submitted to the Commissioner of Sports to be included in the amendments to the Sports Development Act 1997.
5. Approved the purchase of a Toyota Hiace at RM94,231.10 with luxury seats at an additional cost of RM3,800/=, as the second vehicle of OCM.
6. Approved that Mr. Andrew Gopal, President of Ulu Klang Recreation Club (UKRC) be recognized as a OCM Goodwill Sports Ambassador, for his hard work in protecting the land on which UKRC is located.
7. Noted the 5 days comprehensive training on Zeus Team Management System will be held in Wisma OCM from 20th to 24th April 2009.
8. Noted the 5th OCM-Pharmaton Ex-International Golf Challenge 2009 for the Datuk Dr. M. Jegathesan Challenge Trophy will be held on 28th April 2009 at Seri Selangor Golf Club. The Golf Challenge will be in memory of the Late Dato’ Ho Koh Chye and a Challenge Trophy in his name will be awarded to the Individual event winner.
9. Noted that Cik Maheshwari A. Doria Rajah will be attending the 12th International Seminar Sport Journalists in Olympia from 26th May to 1st June 2009.
10. Noted the basic principles on the organization of the 1st mini Olympics in the National Sports Complex, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur for 8 sports from 19th to 26th June 2009.
11. Noted that YAM Tunku Tan Sri Imran ibni Almarhum Tuanku Ja’afar and Y.Bhg. Dato’ Roy Rajasingham have been appointed to be members of the Ad Hoc Committee and the first meeting was held on 17th April 2009.
12. Noted the Selection Committee meetings for the 3rd Asian Indoor Games and the 25th SEA Games will be held in late July 2009.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 6:54 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights
Selasa, 21 April 2009
K. Rajagobal Jurulatih Baru Skuad Kebangsaan

PETALING JAYA, 20 April Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) mengumumkan pelantikan jurulatih skuad Bawah 23 tahun kebangsaan, K.Rajagobal sebagai jurulatih skuad kebangsaan bagi menggantikan B.Sathianathan yang diminta berhenti pada 1 Feb lepas.
Pelantikan Rajagobal itu diumumkan Timbalan Presiden FAM Datuk Redzuan Sheikh Ahmad pada satu sidang media di ibu pejabat badan induk bola sepak negara di Kelana Jaya di sini hari ini.
Media sebelum ini menyenarai pendek tiga jurulatih tempatan yang berkaliber dalam menerajui pasukan masing-masing dalam kancah Liga Malaysia selepas Presiden FAM Sultan Ahmad Shah membuat perakuan untuk memberi keutamaan kepada calon tempatan.
Mendahului senarai ialah Mohd Azrai Khor Abdullah (Kedah), K.Devan (Selangor) dan Dollah Salleh (Shahzan Muda).
"Pelantikan Rajagobal mendapat restu daripada Presiden FAM Sultan Ahmad Shah dan Rajagobal sendiri mengaku menerima tanggungjawab tersebut," kata Redzuan dalam sidang media tersebut.
Menjelaskan dengan lebih lanjut pelantikan itu, Redzuan berkata Rajagobal akan diberikan kontrak dua tahun dan pilihan satu tahun, begitu juga bagi dua pembantunya, Tan Cheng Hoe dan Mohd Faozi Mukhlas.
Mengenai skuad Harimau Muda (skuad bawah 19 tahun kebangsaan), Redzuan berkata Ong Kim Swee dan pembantu-pembantunya akan mengambil alih tugas selaku jurulatih daripada Rajagobal dalam masa terdekat.
Redzuan juga mengumumkan skuad kebangsaan akan mewakili negara pada Pestabola Merdeka Ogos depan yang menampilkan sembilan pasukan bagi membaiki ranking dunia, berbeza dengan keputusan sebelum ini untuk menghantar skuad bawah 23 tahun.
Mengenai ketiga-tiga jurulatih (Mohd Azraai, Devan dan Dollah) yang disenarai pendek sebelum ini, Redzuan berkata walaupun ada jurulatih yang telah menyatakan minat tetapi persatuan negeri enggan melepaskan mereka.
Walaupun FAM boleh 'menggunakan kuasa' dengan meletakkan kepentingan negara didahulukan, beliau berkata badan induk bola sepak kebangsaan itu enggan menggunakannya kerana tidak mahu menjejaskan hubungan dengan persatuan negeri.
Mesyuarat Majlis FAM pada 11 April lepas baru sahaja memutuskan untuk melantik Rajagobal sebagai jurulatih skuad bawah 23 tahun kebangsaan.
Sementara itu, Rajagobal ketika mengulas mengenai pelantikan itu berkata ia merupakan satu penghormatan kepadanya walaupun menyedari ia juga merupakan satu tanggungjawab yang besar.
"Saya tahu dan seluruh rakyat tahu bahawa ia merupakan satu perkara yang tidak mudah tetapi saya akan cuba memberikan yang terbaik dan bersikap realistik," kata jurulatih berusia 53 tahun itu.
Mengenai pemilihan pemain, Rajagobal berkata beliau akan berhubung rapat dengan semua jurulatih pasukan dalam Liga Malaysia bagi memastikan siapa pemain yang berada di tahap terbaik.
Beliau yang memegang lesen A Konfederasi Bolasepak Asia (AFC) pernah membimbing pasukan Selangor pada tahun 2000 (memenangi Liga Perdana Satu, separuh akhir Piala Malaysia dan suku akhir Piala FA), Kelantan pada musim 2001/2002 (separuh akhir Piala Malaysia) sebelum dilantik sebagai ketua jurulatih skuad bawah 21 tahun kebangsaan pada 2003.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 12:06 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Berita Sukan
Isnin, 13 April 2009
Taniah!, Menteri Baru KBS

Salam sejahtera ahli dan rakan Famemas,
Kelab Famemas KL & Selangor (1555-07-WKL)
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 1:50 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
OCM Weekly Highlights - 12th April 2009
Coming Events
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 1:44 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
Halim dakwa Zafuan cabar maruahnya; tak mahu maafkan
Bagi penjaga gol veteran berusia 37 tahun itu, perbuatan Aidil itu mencabar maruah dan harga dirinya, dan mendakwa tindakan pertahanan Negeri Sembilan itu turut disaksikan sebahagian penonton.
Malah, Halim yang tampil kali pertama untuk menjelaskan insiden itu, turut menegaskan dia tidak akan memohon maaf kepada Aidil atau memaafkan pemain itu atas apa yang berlaku.
Dalam insiden ketika perlawanan separuh akhir pertama Piala FA di Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV, Kota Bharu, Halim meluru ke arah Aidil dan menumbuk serta memijak pemin itu sebelum dileraikan pemain lain.
Halim berkata sebagai pemain muda, Aidil seharusnya menghormati pemain yang lebih senior daripadanya dan lebih berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan sebarang kata-kata yang boleh mencetuskan ketegangan.
“Saya harap selepas ini, dia menunjukkan sikap hormat bukan saja kepada pemain senior, tetapi juga terhadap pemain lain walaupun dia seorang pemain kebangsaan. Saya juga pernah bermain untuk skuad kebangsaan," katanya yang ditemui di perkarangan Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV, semalam.
Menceritakan apa yang berlaku sehingga tercetusnya insiden berkenaan, Halim berkata, ia berpunca ekoran pelanggaran antaranya dengan penyerang lawan yang juga kembar Aidil Zafuan, Zaquan Adha ketika perlawanan menghampiri penghujung aksi.
"Dalam situasi perebutan bola 50-50 itu, kami secara tidak sengaja berlaga sesama sendiri, tetapi Aidil pula yang masuk campur sebelum bertindak mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat kepada saya," katanya yang pernah beraksi bersama Perak, Negeri Sembilan dan Melaka sepanjang lebih 15 tahun kariernya.
Mengenai dakwaan yang mengaitkannya sebagai punca berlakunya rusuhan sekumpulan penyokong Kelantan di luar stadium, Halim berkata, apa yang berlaku di dalam padang dan di luar stadium itu adalah dua isu berbeza yang tiada kena mengena dengannya.
Dia juga enggan mengulas mengenai penggantungan yang dikenakan Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (Kafa) terhadapnya kerana mahu menenangkan fikiran dan menunggu keputusan Jawatankuasa Disiplin berhubung hukuman yang bakal diterimanya.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 10:13 PG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Berita Sukan
Jumaat, 10 April 2009
Penonton 'gedebe' jejas bola sepak negara
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 1:16 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Berita Sukan
Isnin, 6 April 2009
OCM Weekly Highlights - 5th April 2009
Coming Events
Sultan Azlan Shah Cup Men’s Hockey Tournament 2009 – 5th to 12th April 2009 at Ipoh.
25th National Junior Netball Championship 2009 – 9th to 12th April 2009 at Stadium Juara, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. each day. 12 State teams are participating and the Championship is for girls under 21 years.
4th Malaysia National Figure Skating Championship 2009 – 10th and 11th April 2009 at Pyramid Ice Skating Rink, Sunway Pyramid Mall, Bandar Sunway from 4.00 p.m.
20th OCM Executive Board Meeting – 14th April 2009 at 4.30 p.m. at OCM Boardroom, 1st Floor, Wisma OCM, Kuala Lumpur
152nd OCM Council Meeting – 18th April 2009 at 10.00 a.m. at the Conference Room, Ground Floor, Wisma OCM, Jalan Hang Jebat, Kuala Lumpur.
News Items
Congratulations to Track Cyclist Mohd Azizulhasni Awang, for being the first Malaysian Cyclist to win a Silver medal at the World Track Cycling Championship, when he came in second in the 200m Sprint on 28th March 2009, at the World Track Championship currently held at the BGZ Velodrome in Pruzslow, Poland.
For their historical achievements, Mohd Azizulhasni Awang and Rizal Tisin were awarded incentives by the National Sports Council Malaysia and the Malaysian National Cycling Federation.
Corporate Cup Individual Carom Championship 2009
The Corporate Cup Individual and Doubles Carom Championships were held 4th and 5th April 2009, from 9.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. each day, at 2nd Floor, OCM Indoor Sports Complex, Kuala Lumpur. There were 74 entries in the Individual Championship and 45 entries in the Doubles Championship. Carom players from Kedah, Penang and other states participated in the Championships.
The winners of the Individual Championship are as follows:
Champion – Encik Ruslan Baba (won RM800/= plus a souvenir)
Runner-Up – Encik Wan Arif (won RM600/= plus a souvenir)
Third – Encik Mohad Suhaizab Mat Karri (won RM400/= plus a souvenir)
Fourth – Encik Zukiman Zainal (won RM200/= plus a souvenir)
Fifth – Encik Rosli Abd. Rahim (won RM50/= plus a souvenir)
Sixth – Encik Abd. Mutalib (won RM50/= plus a souvenir)
Seventh – Encik Moir Sazali Md. Ali (won RM50/= plus a souvenir)
Eighth – Encik Saharuddin Abdullah Tani (won RM50/= plus a souvenir)
National Age Group Chess Championship 2009
Congratulations to the Malaysian Chess Federation for successfully organizing the National Age-Group Chess Championships 2009 at the Pearl Point Shopping Mall, Kuala Lumpur, on 4th and 5th April 2009. The National Age Group Chess Championships was inaugurated in 1990 and is held annually. Around 480 boys and girls from almost all the states of Malaysia participated in the Championships with boys outnumbering the girls by 2 to 1. The Championships was held under 5 age groups for boys and for girls. The age groups were under 8 years, under 10 years, under 12 years, under 14 years and under 16 years. Medals and certificates were awarded to the first 10 places in each group for the boys and to the first 5 places in each group for the girls. The winners of each age group were awarded an additional trophy each.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 6:08 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: OCM Weekly Highlights
Jumaat, 3 April 2009
Exco Baru
Pihak Jawatankuasa Famemas telah bersetuju dan melantik Ahli Jawatankuasa tambahan seperti berikut:

Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 7:08 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: info
Khamis, 2 April 2009
Celoteh Kepten Shafari - Cherating
Malaysian track cyclists created history by winning a silver and a bronze in the World Track Championship in Poland. Congratulations to Azizulhasni, Rizal Tisin, Beadsley and MNCF!
I did condemn Datuk Naim in Korat for the lack of achievements but it is proven that I was wrong then.... and may be I am still right too till today because we havent got anywhere with road racing though we've spent millions organising le Tour de Langkawi.
Looking at these 2 scenarios... track and road cycling... the vast difference is the choice of right coach! Beadsley is doing wonders in the track but we dont have a capable one with the road racing. So KBS and MNCF got to extend Beadsley's contract and to hunt for the road's coach.
At present on the world's stage, Malaysia is very good at badminton, bowling and lawn bowls, track cycling and squash. Football and hockey where we were once the powerhouse in Asia is still far-far behind now. And if we were to "disect' these sports and games... the DNAs of the failure ones are either from the politicians or the royals...heheh Look too at sepak takraw and silat...
Yeah... I am at Cherating since Sunday. Just pure relaxing... and all alone. I do feel loneliness but then I am already used to it... I think. Azman Warren (the guitarist of RAP... Shela Majid and Zainal Abidin days..) is performing on Mon-Wed and a 7 pcs band, Angel is on Thurs-Sat at Little Bali... quite a happenning place in Kg Cherating Lama... Nice to listen to Azman Warren. Besides tourists, the other patrons are divers and surfers, oil and gas people and some drove all the way from Kuantan. I am recommending this place...even the chalets are quite clean especially in Payung Guest House (RM45 per night... what can one expect right?)
I learn this.... KETANG MAKANG UMPANG!.... it is "ketam makan umpan".... heheh this fishing buddy of mine, a 5 yr old boy got excited when a crab got hooked on his line. And I was feeling really young when I was with him... cos he adressed me as "abang"...hehehe
I do not know what Malaysia will be under the new PM. Hope it is to be better but then again...how are we going to gauge his performance when our mass medias are controlled by the govt of the day? What ever it is let us all pray that we shall be better off and continue to live in harmony and peace where the country's wealth is shared equally by all Malaysians. InsyAllah.
Ok till next time... take care and enjoy life.
Capt... Cherating.
Diselenggara Oleh ZulDeanz Pada Jam 6:23 PTG 0 Komen Anda
Labels: Celoteh