Review of Famemas Club Cheer campaign @ 27th Myanmar SEA Games, 14 - 22 Dec. Its not just whether our athletes tasted sweeter success in presence of our cheers. Impact was clearly feltby 36 fans trooping in & out of stadiums in full national colours, that attracted attention among other participating nations. Close cooperation between fans & Malaysian Secretariat ensured fans creted maximum impact at selected games. All in all, a great experience, watching the gamesin an impoverished nation that's slowly opening up the world - Mr. Lee.
Famemas & Hockey Team. |
I am inviting all of you to the 28 th SEA Games in Singapore. I would try to be a gd host for you all famemas.
It will be great to have u all here. It will be an eye opener for Singaporeans to see how dedicated Famemas supporters in gi giving their supportment to our altheletes and the spirit of Malaysian Boleh!!.
Singapore people would not spend moneg to watch even if it is free. Sport culture is not strong here.
I am glad to be part of Famemas where i learnt value of sense of belonging. - Ayu
Both Singapore & Malaysia can work together on back - to - back SEA Games in 2015 & 2017 to attract mutual tourism on both sideasof Causeway Think and ponder about it,
Season's Greeting to you and your loved ones! We are already in to the New Year 2014, namely the Glasgow Commonwealth Games (for Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore), Nanjing YOG and the Incheon ASIAN Games. However, just 17 months away too is the 28 th Edition of the SEA Games, in Singapore in Jun 2015.
Yes, after more than 20 years Singapore is proud to play host to all of you all in the 28 th SEA Games 2015. Our first step upon receiving the SEAGF Flag on 22 Desember in Nay Pyi Daw was to unveil the 28 th SEA Games 2015 Website www.
It will deliver the news, feature stories and SEA Games related information in the lead up to SEA Ganes 2015. It will continually be updated as we rally Singaporeans and the Southeast Asian community behind this important event which will coincide with Singapore's 50 th anniversary celebrations. The website will be rolled out and transformed accordingly in the following phases. PHASES THEME/CALL - TO - ACCTION.
Introductory Sit (Dec 2013 - May 2014) "It's our turn to host" Rally Singaporeans and the Southeast Asian cp,mmunity behind Sea Games 2015.
Pre - Games Site (June 2014 - May 2015) "The Games is coming" Call for participation and turn create ownership of the games.
During Games (June 2015) "Game On!" Intensive coverage of the games and lives updates/streaming Post Games "The Legacy lives on!" Wrap up of SEA Games and set sights on the future, To help drive traffic to next event.
Best Regards,
Chris Chan
Secretary General
Singapore National
Olympic Coauncil.
Famemas this year is a busy year for us. Too many events to give our attentions and our strong commitment and dedication to support our players in major events. Our passion for sports will never die. It's burning sensation.
Famemas, i am waiting to see whether Singapore will have good cheerleader with solid performance like us. They need to look for members if they want to create impact on the SEA Games. When Singapore host YO, only groups of Sec students formed cheerleaders but they are down when the team lost. - Ayu
It will be nice to see Singapore and Malaysian cheer teams side by side at SEA Games Singapore 2017 stadiums doing the common thing, just like what we did in past SEA Games. Not to worry, I think Singapore NOC is planning something like this. Only thing is how many Famemasians. Are planning to cross the Causeway in May 2015 by coach. - Mr. Lee
I will be gd host to u Famemas. I will wear the Harimau shirt to be with u all. Just let me know whenthe time comes. I will try my best to give my assistance. Just take note of some restriction in the venue. - Ayu
I just hope Singapore NOC will be a gracious and accomodating host just like Myanmar, Laos, Palembang, whenit comes to accreditation and getting in and out of stadium and placing restrictions, Being a developed, one would expect it will the stricter in enforcement. Mr. Lee
And remember when their immigration stopped about 6 of us at their immigration 6 of us at their check point during Singapore Badminton Open in 2006. - Capt Shafari
Indeed i my self also cannot bring food and water inside the stadium. Unless they lifted the rules for upcoming games if not less peoples coming - Ayu
What the heck. No oversized banner, boards, no camera. Even our big suitcase to carry our cheer materials can't get in. All the fun fun fun we had in past SEA Games wont't be there. - Mr. Lee
Remember the 4 - 6 Singaporeans Ah Sohs who backed us up when we had some arguments with the stadium's people in 2006? The Ah Sohs told that we had created some lively atmosphere which was missing in previous years. Don't worry, they'll flex the rullings when the time comes. And Hafidz, we'll take the 2nd link, it is a bridge... hehe... Capt Shafari
Guys, Singapore can't enforce these strict rules without consent from SEGF(SEA Games Federation) They meet regularly to formulate rules of the games in the true ASEAN spirit, all members nations must come to a general consensus on all matters. If we (Famemas) are unhappy with certain restrictions, we can table it to OCM, who will then bring it up at SEAGF meetings. That's where our patron Dato LBC comes in useful for this purpose.
On a separate issue, in the true "kiasu" spirit, if Singapore Sport Council hears that a big cheer groups is crossing the bridge or Causeway or whatever bridge we may cross, they will surely form an even cheer group to rival ours. So don't be surprised their fans will be armed with bigger drums, in the true "kiasu" spirit. So, let's cross the bridgemto it - MR. Lee
When i saw them playing, there is hope that we will be as good as the Koreans or Japanese. But then it is normal for most other sports as far as the juniors are concern. When they mature, they are different. Something need to be done. Are the players lacking in administering / managing their stardom? Or being bought by bookies? Or just complacent? We do have the talent but we fail in maintaining them. - Capt Shafari