Salam 1 Malaysia to all Famemas members and friends,
Gong Xi Fa Chai to all my Chinese friends,
And dont forget to come to my daughter's wedding on 9 Feb 2013 at Dewan Seri Melati, Presint 3 Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya, Putrajaya; anytime between 10.30am to 4.30 pm. All are invited.... termasuk Si Dia.
Captain Shafari. |
Oh yeah... on last Sunday, 3 Feb, I think all of you were aware that Famemas had organised the Larian 1 Malaysia. It was a success and kudos to the EXCOs for a job well done. Congrats Famemas! And Thank You to all the volunteers too. Next time we'll try to go for a bigger participants... 2000-3000 runners.
And for me... I saw Si Dia on that morning and I did ask how she is. Wow!! After sooo long, i saw Si Dia again. The scenario was like this; on Saturday nite, while doing the preparation for the run, one of the EXCOs did read out the names of those coming as volunteers and Si Dia's name was mentioned. There was a lump in my throat. Ok fine. On that Sunday morning at about 6.15 or 6.30 am, I was in the VIP room having my breakfast and my back facing the door. As I was seeping my nescafe (prepared my Hafidz's wife) and then I saw her as I was turning around. Glup...glup.. tertelan nescafe yang panas... and then my heart was thumping duuk... duuk.. duuk...
Yeah.. I saw the most beautiful woman squatting down while trying to arrange some papers. She looked very slim and I noticed the same old hair do.. the one that i like. Then my hands were trembling...... Oh.. I thought that it is already over.. I mean the feelings or whatever you may name it, cos she is about to be married...but why am I was in that situation? So to avoid any embarrassment (takut pengsan or histeria), I picked up a cup of coffee with 2 sandwiches and walked out. While walking out I did ask how she is and to be frank..I just do not know what she replied, maklumlah tengah gabrar... heheh
Yes... after all these months and her wedding day is very near... I think I had overcome whatever I had for her... but still I can't. To Si Dia... maafkan saya... unintention and Selamat Pengantin Baru.