So long I have not written my celoteh. May be that my work was taking alot of my time, or the pond fishing or may be that I was really really down when Si Dia wrote, "I am engaged to be married". What ever it is, I still survive to write this celoteh. Thanks to the Almighty Allah for being able to be with you all till today.
2013, 8 days into it and life is more or less the same. Not much different than last year and before that and the year before that too. Things happened and may be we'll remember for some time and as time passed by, eveything is normal again.
So this year we have SEA games to look to and that'll be in November. From now till that date, there is Malaysian Badminton Open, the Famemas Run, the many-many runs, the Famemas AGM and may be some other happennings, which I am yet to know.
Captain Shafari. |
I am looking forward to the Malaysian Open. My drum has been collecting alot of dust and cob webs. My voice had not reach the highest decible possible for almost a year. and we have not assemble as a Famemas group for such a long time. So we'll do it on this 18th, 19th and 20th Jan at Putra Stadium. Lets us meet there.
Then the Famemas run on 3 Feb. Our EXCOs had planned it well and let us all support our beloved club. Datang beramai-ramai ye.
On 9th Feb, on the eve of CNY, it is my daughter's wedding. Phew... from now till then, it is going to be a big headache for me. First wedding in the family. Hope it goes on without much hiccups.
About me, i am still the same old man. may be my tummy is getting more rounded and my movements are getting a little slower and getting lazier... failed to get up in the mornings to run or exercise. Malas! Kalau Si Dia jumpa pun, I'll bet you that she dont have a slighest regret of dumping me. heheheh... yeah, she won't. Si tua boncit. hahaha....
Anyhow, life got to carry on. Try to make the best of what we have. I am doing that and maybe after touching 55 years, one is thinking more about life in the after world, to start preparing, more seriously, to meet your creator. I think all of us are like that.
And MU is still at the top. Syabas MU. But then a Malaysian owned team is at the bottom of EPL (QPR) and another Malaysian owned team is at the top of the Championship League, Cardiff. I do hope both the teams to be in EPL next season and then maybe we Malaysians will support them rather than MU or Chelsea or Spurs or Everton or Arsenal....... (Liverpool, tak payah lah. Dont try to be the misguided fans. Dont ever.)
On the coming wisely. Every vote counts.
So till we meet in the Malaysian Badminton Open in Putra Stadium, Bukit Jalil on 18-20th Jan 2013, take care and the very best in what ever you do.
Capt....always and still a 1 woman's man.